Patient Information and Care Instructions

  • Neurotoxin Patient Information



    • This treatment is not recommended if you have an important event within 2 weeks of injection

    due to the potential for bruising

    • Avoid herbal supplements such as gingko, green tea, and anti-inflammatories of any kind for 2

    weeks before and following treatment to limit bruising.


    • For the first 5-6 hours following Neurotoxin (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) remain upright.

    • Do not participate in activities that include heavy lifting, vigorous exercise, or straining for 2-3

    hours following treatment. (2-3 hours is the timeframe in which neurotoxin binds to the nerve

    and you do not want to increase circulation during that time.)

    • Do not rub, touch, or manipulate Neurotoxin (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) for 6 hours.

    • Avoid irritating products for 24 hours following Neurotoxin (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin).

    • Make-up may be applied gently before leaving the office, remember to wipe up and away from

    your eyes or brows.

    • Bruising in the area injected is normal and often expected, especially if treated around the eyes.

    Bruising can last up to several weeks. Using/taking Arnica may help diminish bruising.

    • It may take up to 12 days for Neurotoxin (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) to take full effect.

    • A follow-up visit 10-14 days is suggested to assess results for subsequent treatments,

    particularly if you are a first time client. If full correction is not achieved, you will need to

    purchase additional Neurotoxin (Botox, Dysport, Xeomin) for injection.

    • Re-treatment is typically needed between 2-6 months.

    • Regular injections usually yield a longer lasting Neurotoxin result.

    • If your upper lip was treated, you will not be able to drink through a straw, whistle, or enunciate

    some words for approximately 2 weeks.

    • Although rare, infection in the injected area is possible. Signs of infection may include fever, or

    redness and tenderness in the infected area. Should you develop an infection, antibiotics may

    be necessary. Please contact us should you have any concerns

  • Filler Patient Information

    Filler Care and Instructions

    Arterial Occlusion is a serious medical emergency that can occur with any filler treatments. Any Pain uncontrolled, swelling or bruising that is expanding or concerns must immediately seek medical care.

    Treatment of serious complications can be initiated immediately if brought to the attention of your providers.

    Dermal Filler Consent

    Treatment with Restylane, Juvederm, Perlane, or Collagen can smooth out folds and wrinkles, add volume to the lips, and contour facial features that have lost their fullness due to aging, sun exposure, illness, etc. Facial rejuvenation can be carried out with minimal complications. These dermal fillers are injected into the skin with a very fine needle. The products produce a natural volume under the wrinkle, which is lifted up and smoothed out. The results can often be seen immediately. Treating wrinkles with these dermal fillers is fast and safe and leaves no scars or other traces on the face.


    It has been explained to me that there are certain inherent and potential risks and side effects in any invasive procedure and in this specific instance such risks include but are not limited to:

    1) Post treatment discomfort, swelling, redness, and bruising, discoloration

    2) Post treatment infection associated with any transcutaneous injection

    3) Allergic reaction

    4) Reactivation of Herpes (cold sores)

    5) Lumpiness, visible yellow or white patches in approximately 20% of cases

    6) Granuloma formation

    7) Localized Necrosis and/or sloughing, with scab and/or without scab if blood vessel occlusion occurs.


    I authorize the taking of clinical photographs and their use for scientific purposes both in publications and presentations. I understand my identity will be protected.


    I am not aware that I am pregnant. I am not trying to get pregnant. I am not Lactating (nursing). I do not have or have not had any major illnesses which would prohibit me from receiving any of the above mentioned dermal fillers. I certify that I do not have multiple allergies or high sensitivity to medications, including but not limited to Lidocaine.

    If receiving Collagen I have read the brochure titled "Zyderm®/Zyplast® or Cosmoplast™/Cosmoderm™Collagen Explained" in its entirety and have discussed the risks and benefits of injectable collagen treatment with my physician and/or his/her representative and have had all my questions answered. I understand the information provided.


    I understand that this procedure is cosmetic and that payment is my responsibility.


    I am aware that full correction is important and that follow-up touch ups/treatments will be needed to maintain the full effects. I am aware that the duration of treatment is dependent on many factors including but not limited to: age, sex, tissue condition, my general health and life style conditions, and sun exposure. The correction, depending on these factors may last 3-6 months and in some cases longer. I been instructed in and understand post treatment instructions and have been given a copy of them.

  • Weight Loss Patient Information

    GLP1 Care and Instructions

    Weight loss medications should only be completed with patient who have normal to high insulin levels.

    Treatment or withholding information from your providers is a serious risk.

    Discontinue use immediately and weigh in appointments are necessary to continue with medications.

    The prescribed doses are the only doses that should be taken at any time.

    Please contact your healthcare providers with any questions or concerns.

    Follow your health care professional’s instructions about weight management medications.

    Buy your medication from a pharmacy or online distributor approved by your health care professional.

    Only take weight management medication to support your healthy eating and physical activity program.

    Know the side effects and warnings before taking any medication.

    If you are not losing weight after 12 weeks on the full dose of your medication, ask your health care professional whether you should stop taking it.

    Talk with your health care professional about any other medications you are taking, including supplements and vitamins, when considering weight management medications.

    Never take weight management medications during pregnancy or if you are planning a pregnancy.

  • GLP 1 Patient Information

    What is the most important information I should know about Tirzepatide/Semiglutide?
Tirzepatide/Semiglutide may cause serious side effects, including:

    Possible thyroid tumors, including cancer. Tell your healthcare provider if you get a lump or swelling in your neck, hoarseness, trouble swallowing, or shortness of breath. These may be symptoms of thyroid cancer. In studies with rats, Tirzepatide/Semiglutide and medicines that work like Tirzepatide/Semiglutide caused thyroid tumors, including thyroid cancer. It is not known if Tirzepatide/Semiglutide will cause thyroid tumors, or a type of thyroid cancer called medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC) in people.

    Do not use Tirzepatide/Semiglutide if you or any of your family have ever had a type of thyroid cancer called medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), or if you have an endocrine system condition called Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia syndrome type 2 (MEN 2).